Our clinic is located very close to the Alcalá Norte Shopping Centre and the Ciudad Lineal metro station (L5). Visit us if you have any hair problem.
We have the best professionals and the most advanced technology to give you a solution.
Find the best medical clinics in Spain – info@clinicinspain.com ( 10-14 h )
Our clinic is located very close to the Alcalá Norte Shopping Centre and the Ciudad Lineal metro station (L5). Visit us if you have any hair problem.
We have the best professionals and the most advanced technology to give you a solution.
Calle Alcalá, 406 1ºC CP: 28009 Madrid
It is stupid to take a plane and ask for a week off to travel abroad when in the same center of Madrid is one of the best clinics to get a hair implant.
At least that’s what I think.